Adobe Flash Player Security Updates

Adobe has released Flash Player for Windows, Macintosh and Chrome OS, and Flash Player for Linux. These updates address critical-risk vulnerability that could potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.

Download UltraVNC

UltraVNC is available for download. This new release includes a number of improvements and bug fixes.

CCleaner 5.23.5808 is now available for download

Periform has released CCleaner 5.23.5808 for Windows. This new release brings improved browser cleaning for Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer and Firefox.

VirtualBox 5.1.8 build 111374 is now available for download

Oracle has released VirtualBox 5.1 Maintenance Release 8 (Version 5.1.8 Build 111374) for Windows, Mac, Linux and Solaris. This release includes a number of improvements and bug fixes from Oracle VM VirtualBox 5.1.6

Adobe Flash Player is now available for download

Adobe has released Flash Player for Windows, Macintosh and Chrome OS, and Flash Player for Linux. This release includes new and improved functionality and important bug fixes. These updates also address multiple critical-risk vulnerabilities that could potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool 5.41

The latest release, Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) 5.41 is available for download. This update includes updated detection and cleaning capabilities for the following malware families BrowserModifier:Win32/Sasquor, BrowserModifier:Win32/SupTab, and Trojan:Win32/Ghokswa

Windows 10 Tip: How to show the home button in Microsoft Edge

In Microsoft Edge, the home button is not shown by default. Thus, in this tutorial, I will show you how to add "Home" button to the address bar of Microsoft Edge in Windows 10.
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