CCleaner 2.34.1200

CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!

Cleans the following:
• Microsoft Office 2010
• Internet Explorer
• Firefox
• Google Chrome
• Opera
• Safari
• Windows
• Registry cleaner
• Third-party applications
• 100% Spyware FREE

What's new in CCleaner 2.34.1200
- Extended cookie cleaning to include HTML5 Web Storage.
- Improved Index.dat cleaning by deleting ones not locked by the system.
- Improved "Install date" detection and accuracy for Uninstall Tool.
- Improved file lock detection when analyzing to avoid false reporting.
- Improved scrolling for list control to avoid repaint problems.
- Improved cleaning of Recycle Bin.
- Improved jumplist support to avoid possible UI lock.
- Updated eMule cleaning.
- Minor bug fixes.

System Requirements
CCleaner is designed to run on Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit & 64-bit), Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 and Windows 98

Download CCleaner
Download CCleaner 2.34.1200 free from following website Download CCleaner 2.34.1200 - Standard Edition (3.334MB)

Read more
More details about Installation and using CCleaner go to website How to Install and use CCleaner

Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 1

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured Web browser. Firefox includes pop-up blocking, tab-browsing, integrated Google search, simplified privacy controls, a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.

Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 1 is the first version of the Firefox 4 Beta, based on the Gecko 2.0 Web platform. Please read section What's New Features below for more detailed information about what's new in this version of the beta release, as well as the known issues.

Firefox 4 Beta (version 1) considered to be stable and safe to use for daily web browsing, though the features and content may change before the final product release. At this time many Add-ons may not yet have been tested by their authors to ensure that they are compatible with this release. If you wish to help test Add-on compatibility, please install the Add-on Compatibility Reporter - your favorite Add-on author will appreciate it!

Note: If you want to test Add-Ons with Firefox 4 Beta, you will need to install the Add-On Compatibility Reporter first.

Download Mozilla Firefox:
Download Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 1 from website below
Download Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 1
Download Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 1 for Windows

What's New Features
• Tabs are now on top by default on Windows only - OSX and Linux will be changing when the theme has been modified to support the change.
• On Windows Vista and Windows 7 the menu bar has been replaced with the Firefox button.
• You can search for and switch to already open tabs in the Smart Location Bar
• New Addons Manager and extension management API (UI will be changed before final release)
• Significant API improvements are available for JS-ctypes, a foreign function interface for extensions.
• The stop and reload buttons have been merged into a single button on Windows, Mac and Linux.
• The Bookmarks Toolbar has been replaced with a Bookmarks Button by default (you can switch it back if you'd like).
• Crash protection for Windows, Linux, and Mac when there is a crash in the Adobe Flash, Apple Quicktime or Microsoft Silverlight plugins.
• CSS Transitions are partially supported.
• Full WebGL support is included but disabled by default at this time.
• Core Animation rendering model for plugins on Mac OS X. Plugins which also support this rendering model can now draw faster and more efficiently.
• Native support for the HD HTML5 WebM video format.
• An experimental Direct2D rendering backend is available on Windows, turned off by default.
• Web developers can use Websockets for a low complexity, low latency, bidirectional communications API.
• Web developers can update the URL field without reloading the page using HTML History APIs.
• More responsive page rendering using lazy frame construction.
• Link history lookup is done asynchronously to provide better responsiveness during pageload.
• CSS :visited selectors have been changed to block websites from being able to check a user's browsing history.
• New HTML5 parser.
• Support for more HTML5 form controls.

Firefox 4.0 Beta 1 Release Notes

Download: VLC Media Player 1.1.1

VLC media player is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework, that plays most multimedias files formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols without external codec or program. It is simple to use, yet very powerful and extendable, and can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network. This release include multiple libVLC improvements and fixes and Windows video output.

What's new in VLC Media Player 1.1.1
• New capabilities for libVLC:

• Fix performance issues with GPU decoding using DxVA2 using ATI graphic cards You NEED ATI Catalyst 10.7
• Fix :program selection in TS and DVB-T
• Fixes and improvements for MKV, Avformat and Avcodec modules
• Fix mod (.xm, .s3m, .it) files support on Windows and Mac builds

Stream output:
• Fix h264 streaming in ts

• Qt: fix preferences, hotkeys, messages and some fulscreen behaviour
• Skins: support for mousewheel in fullscreen, fix radialsliders
• Http: fix fullscreen toggle

• Fix pulse closing
• VAAPI small improvements, notably for extraction mode selection

• Multiple interface and crash fixes
• Deinterlace selection is repaired
• Crashes when playing multi-channel tracks fixes

• Activation of DEP on XP SP3
• Fix opening of .m3u and .pls playlists
• Fix crash when My Document isn't available
• Fix crash when Windows was getting into standby while playing video

• Update translations for Spanish, Polish, German, Sinhala, Hungarian, Khmer, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Hebrew, Slovak, Galician

VLC can play:
• MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 / DivX files from a hard disk, a CD-ROM drive, and so on
• DVDs, VCDs, and Audio CDs
• From satellite cards (DVB-S)
• Several types of network streams: UDP/RTP Unicast, UDP/RTP Multicast, HTTP, RTSP, MMS, etc.
• From acquisition or encoding cards (on GNU/Linux and Windows only)

Download VLC Media Player 1.1.1
Download VLC Media Player 1.1.1 for Windows from website VLC Media Player 1.1.1 for Windows for other systems at website VLC Media Player 1.1.1 for Other Operating Systems

VLC Media Player 1.1.1

Google Chrome 6.0.472.0 Dev Channel

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab. Desktop shortcuts allow you to launch your favorite Web apps straight from your desktop.

Dev Channel Update
Google has been updated Chrome Dev channel for Windows Chrome Frame, and Linux to 6.0.472.0. A Mac release will follow soon.

Download Chrome 6.0.472.0 Dev Channel standalone offline installer at website Download Google Chrome 6.0.472.0 Dev channel

What's new in Google Chrome 6.0.472.0 Dev channel
• [r52790] Chromium stops saving files for any large downloads (Issue 49216)
• [r52693] Fix crash with SSL client auth (Issue 49197)
• [r52850] Option clicking a link now saves a resource directly without triggering a "Save As..." dialog (Issue 36775)

• [r52911] Implement the upgrade available notification on the Wrench menu (Issue 45147)
• [r52485] Implement the new, unified Wrench menu (Issue 47848)

• [r52507] Fixed tab dragging glitches with newer GDEs (Issue 48774)
• [r52729] Access GNOME Keyring on the main thread to fix a crash for some users (Issue 48343)

Known Issues
• PDF plugin does not load on Linux (Issue 49702)

Google Chrome Releases

FileZilla Server 0.9.36

FileZilla Server is a small and fast FTP Server. The server looks like the famous G6, but it is free. FileZilla Server support Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Download FileZilla Server
Download FileZilla Server 0.9.36 at website FileZilla Homepage or website FileZilla Server 0.9.36

What's new in FileZilla Server 0.9.36
This release contains bugfixes and minor changes:
• Fix welcome message

Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.1.2

Panda Cloud Antivirus is the first free cloud-based antivirus thin-client. It consists of a lightweight antivirus agent that is connected in real-time to PandaLabs' online Collective Intelligence servers to protect faster against the newest malware variants while barely impacting PC performance. Thanks to Panda Security's Collective Intelligence malware and goodware online database, Panda Cloud Antivirus detects more malware than traditional signature-based solutions which take longer to detect the most recent, and therefore most dangerous, variants.

Download Panda Cloud Antivirus:
Download Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.1.2 free from website Panda Security

System requirements:
Operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Vista 64-bit and Windows 7 64-bit

What's new in this version
- Fix for error 1603 during install or upgrade from previous versions.
- Fix for behaviour blocker FPs of WMP, VLC, OpenOffice, fubar2000, etc.
- Corrections of certain string translations (italian, japanese, etc.).
- Search reset fix during installation.
- Fix for problems with outdated Silverlight installations.
- Updated traybar notifications to show that they come from PCAV.

Mozilla Firefox 3.6.7

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured Web browser. Firefox includes pop-up blocking, tab-browsing, integrated Google search, simplified privacy controls, a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.

Download Mozilla Firefox:
Download Mozilla Firefox 3.6.7 from website below
Download Mozilla Firefox 3.6.7
Download Mozilla Firefox 3.6.7 for Windows

Mozilla Firefox 3.6.7

What's New Features
• Fixed several stability issues

Fixed security issues
• MFSA 2010-47 Cross-origin data leakage from script filename in error messages [Moderate]
• MFSA 2010-46 Cross-domain data theft using CSS [Moderate]
• MFSA 2010-45 Multiple location bar spoofing vulnerabilities [Moderate]
• MFSA 2010-44 Characters mapped to U+FFFD in 8 bit encodings cause subsequent character to vanish [Moderate]
• MFSA 2010-43 Same-origin bypass using canvas context [High]
• MFSA 2010-42 Cross-origin data disclosure via Web Workers and importScripts [High]
• MFSA 2010-41 Remote code execution using malformed PNG image [Critical]
• MFSA 2010-40 nsTreeSelection dangling pointer remote code execution vulnerability [Critical]
• MFSA 2010-39 nsCSSValue::Array index integer overflow [Critical]
• MFSA 2010-38 Arbitrary code execution using SJOW and fast native function [Critical]
• MFSA 2010-37 Plugin parameter EnsureCachedAttrParamArrays remote code execution vulnerability [Critical]
• MFSA 2010-36 Use-after-free error in NodeIterator [Critical]
• MFSA 2010-35 DOM attribute cloning remote code execution vulnerability [Critical]
• MFSA 2010-34 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv: [Critical]

For the complete list of changes in Firefox 3.6.7 go to web site Mozilla Foundation Security Advisories

Firefox 3.6.7 Release Notes

Download Microsoft Security ISO Image July 2010

Microsoft Security Release ISO Image July 2010 is the DVD5 ISO image file contains the security updates for Windows released on Windows Update on July 14th, 2010. The image does not contain security updates for other Microsoft products. This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.

Note: For more information about free Burning Softwares Free CD and DVD Burning Softwares

Quick Details
Files: Windows-KB913086-201007.iso
Version: 913086
Security Bulletins: MS09-028, MS09-029
Knowledge Base (KB) Articles: KB971633, KB961371
Download Size: 218.9 MB
Format: ISO-9660 DVD5
Date Published: July/14/2010
Language: English

Read more information and download ISO Image file from website Download July 2010 Security ISO Image

This DVD5 image contains the following updates:
KB971633 / (MS09-028)
- Windows 2000 - 24 languages
- Windows Server 2003 - 18 languages
- Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition - 11 languages
- Windows Server 2003 for Itanium-based Systems - 4 languages
- Windows XP - 24 languages
- Windows XP x64 Edition - 2 languages

KB961371 / (MS09-029)
- Windows 2000 - 24 languages
- Windows Server 2003 - 18 languages
- Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition - 11 languages
- Windows Server 2003 for Itanium-based Systems - 4 languages
- Windows XP - 24 languages
- Windows XP x64 Edition - 2 languages
- Windows Vista - 36 languages
- Windows Vista for x64-based Systems - 36 languages
- Windows Server 2008 - 19 languages
- Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition - 19 languages
- Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems - 4 languages

System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 for Itanium-based Systems, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 x64 Edition, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista Service Pack 1, Windows Vista Service Pack 2, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition , Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows XP Service Pack 3

Security updates are available on ISO-9660 DVD5 image files from the Microsoft Download Center

Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.9 released

The Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) checks computers running Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 computers for and helps remove infections by specific, prevalent malicious software - including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom. When the detection and removal process is complete, the tool displays a report describing the outcome, including which, if any, malicious software was detected and removed. The tool creates a log file named mrt.log in the %WINDIR%\debug folder. Microsoft will release an updated version of this tool on the second Tuesday of each month.

Note: This tool is not a replacement for an anti-virus product. To help protect your computer, you should use an anti-virus product. For more information about Free AntiVirus Download Click here »

What's new Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.9
Added detection and cleaning capabilities for the following malicious software Bubnix

Quick Details
File name:
- version x32: windows-kb890830-v3.9.exe
- version x64: windows-kb890830-x64-v3.9.exe
Verwsion: 3.9
Knowledge Base (KB) Articles: KB890830
Date Published: July/13/2010
Download Size:
- version x32: 11.09 MB
- version x64: 11.3 MB
Estimated Download Time:
- version x32: 2 Min DSL/Cable - 768K
- version x64: 2 Min DSL/Cable - 768K
Language: English

Download Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.9
Download Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.9 from website below
• version x32: Download Malicious software removal tool v3.9 x32
• version x64: Download Malicious software removal tool v3.9 x64

System Requirements:
Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool is designed to run on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 7

Malicious Software Removal Tool

Apple Offers Free iPhone 4 Cases

In response to poor antenna issues from Apple's iPhone 4, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced in a live press conference that the company will give away "bumper" cases to those experiencing reception problems.

Credit: itnnews

Recuva 1.38.504 Released

Accidentally deleted an important file? Lost something important when your computer crashed? No problem! Recuva recovers files deleted from your Windows computer, Recycle Bin, digital camera card, or MP3 player. And it's free!

Main features
Undelete files on your computer
Deleted a file by mistake? Recuva brings lost files on your computer, USB drive, camera or iPod.
Recovery from damaged or formatted disks
Even if you've formatted a drive so that it looks blank, Recuva can still find your files on it.
Recover deleted emails
Emptied your email trash and need it back? Recuva's got you covered with full support for Microsoft Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, or Windows Live Mail.
Recover deleted iPod music
Deleted music from your iPod or MP3 player? No problem, Recuva will get this back for you along with any additional track data.
Restore unsaved Word documents
Did Microsoft Word crash or did you forget to save that important Word document. No problem with Recuva! As it can intelligently rebuild Word documents from their temporary files.
Quick-Start Wizard
If you need your files back right away without fiddling with options, Recuva's Quick-Start Wizard is the answer.
Deep Scan
Recuva can find most files within a minute. Or, set the Deep Scan to look for more deeply-buried results.
Securely delete files you want to erase forever
Want to protect your deleted files? Recuva also allows you to permanently erase any traces of deleted files.
Portable version
Take Recuva with you wherever you go with the portable version.
Full Windows OS support and many languages
Recuva has support for every modern version of Windows and 37+ languages.

What's new in Recuva 1.38.504
Recuva 1.38.504 contains the following updates:
- Added support for Windows 7 SP1.
- Added support for BartPE recovery CD.
- Improved file recovery from Apple iPods.
- Improved error handling on drives >1TB.
- More efficient memory usage when >1M files are found.
- Better handling of files that have lost file type.
- Added support for Kurdish language.
- Minor bug fixes..

Download Recuva 1.38.504
Download Recuva 1.38.504 from website Download Recuva (3.60 MB)

System requirements
In order to use Recuva, you must have the following operating systems installed on your computer:
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit
- Windows7 (32-bit and 64-bit)


Orbit Downloader

Orbit Downloader, leader of download manager revolution, is devoted to new generation web (web2.0) downloading, such as video/music/streaming media from Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, Rapidshare, support RTMP. And to make general downloading easier and faster.

1. Tag make you manage your download files easily
2. Download social music, social video and streaming media
3. Extreme download acceleration.
4. Super Light: micro-sized and resource-friendly
5. Support RapidShare download.
6. Support IE, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera.
7. Support Metalink download.
8. Support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS, RTSP and RTMP protocols.
9. Support Proxy server configuration.
10.Support download pasue and resume.
11.General download management.

What's new in Orbit Downloader
• Added: The function of software updater. It helps you to update your software easier, quicker and more convenience when the software updater and orbit downloader melt together. It also can help you to discover, learn, and share knowledge about your favorite software in a social way, through the online community of

System requirements
In order to use Orbit downloader, you must have one of the following operating systems and browsers installed on your computer:
- 64 MB of RAM
- 6 MB of free disk space
- Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista and Windows 7
- Support Internet Explorer 5.0 and above, FireFox 1.5 and above [include FireFox3(Gran Paradiso)], Opera, Maxthon and Netscape

Download Orbit Downloader
Download Orbit Downloader from website Download Orbit Downloader

Orbit Downloader

Google Chrome 6.0.466.0 Dev Channel

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab. Desktop shortcuts allow you to launch your favorite Web apps straight from your desktop.

Dev Channel Update
Google has been updated Chrome Dev channel for Windows and Linux to 6.0.466.0

Download Chrome 6.0.466.0 Dev Channel standalone offline installer at website Download Google Chrome 6.0.466.0 Dev channel

What's new in Google Chrome 6.0.466.0 Dev channel
• Late binding enabled for SSL sockets: High priority SSL requests are now always sent to the server first.
• The extension api "chrome.idle" has moved out of experimental and now has its own permission: "idle".

• Fixed crash with SPNEGO authentication on intranet sites.

• Flickering favicons on Ubuntu Maverick should be fixed. (There are other graphical glitches, but those also appear in other apps, so that appears to not be our bug.)
• Content settings window now uses a list instead of tabs.
• Remove unnecessary MIMEType field from application shortcuts.

Google Chrome Releases

© 2010 Windows Admin Center. All Rights Reserved.

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 Beta Frequently Asked Questions

The Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Beta is now available for download from Microsoft Download Center (Read more »), but there are some questions around the release. Therefore, Microsoft offers a list of Frequently Asked Questions as follow.

Windows Sysinternals Suite 20100712

The Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities have been rolled up into a single Suite of tools. This file contains the individual troubleshooting tools and help files. It does not contain non-troubleshooting tools like the BSOD Screen Saver or NotMyFault.

What's new in this version:
Disk2vhd v1.6: Disk2vhd now includes better error handling for failed snapshots, guarantees that the system is bootable even if the system crashes while Disk2vhd is updating the system to make it compatible with Virtual PC, and supports direct-attached Hyper-V SCSI disks.

ADExplorer v1.41: This release fixes a bug with searching from the root of a directory.

Download Windows Sysinternals Suite form website Windows Sysinternals Suite (File size 11.9 MB)

The Windows Sysinternals Suite is a bundling of the following selected Sysinternals Utilities as follow
Disk Usage (DU)
Process Monitor

Windows Sysinternals 3.2.1 Final, commonly known as OOo or OpenOffice, is an open-source software application suite available for a number of different computer operating systems. It is distributed as free software and written using its own GUI toolkit. It supports the ISO/IEC standard OpenDocument Format (ODF) for data interchange as its default file format, as well as Microsoft Office formats among others. As of November 2009[update], OpenOffice supports over 110 languages. originated as StarOffice, an office suite developed by StarDivision and acquired by Sun Microsystems in August 1999. The source code of the suite was released in July 2000 with the aim of reducing the dominant market share of Microsoft Office by providing a free and open alternative; later versions of StarOffice are based upon with additional proprietary components.[6] The project is primarily sponsored by Oracle Corporation (initially by Sun Microsystems). Other major corporate contributors include Novell, RedHat, RedFlag CH2000, IBM, Google and others.

What's new in this version:
- Improved startup speed
- Support for Microsoft Office 2007 files
- Encryption support for Microsoft Word 97, 2000, XP files
- Database forms now support zooming
- Impress supports comments
- Import pivot tables from Microsoft Excel 2007 documents
- Improved sort, cell merging, and complex copy and paste features in Calc

Download the most recent version of for Windows and English (US) from website or 3.2.1 Final Now

System Requirements:
This product is designed to run on the following operating systems:
- Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2 or higher), Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista
- 256 Mbytes RAM (512 MB RAM recommended)
- At least 650 Mbytes available disk space for a default install (including a JRE) via download. After installation and deletion of temporary installation files, will use approximately 440 Mbytes disk space.
- 1024 x 768 or higher resolution with at least 256 colours


Download Winamp 5.581 Full

Winamp supports a wide variety of contemporary and specialized music file formats, including MIDI, MOD, MPEG-1 audio layers 1 and 2, AAC, M4A, FLAC, WAV, OGG Vorbis, and Windows Media Audio. It supports gapless playback for MP3 and AAC, and Replay Gain for volume leveling across tracks. In addition, Winamp can play and import music from audio CDs, optionally with CD-Text, and can also burn music to CDs. Winamp supports playback of Windows Media Video and Nullsoft Streaming Video, as well as most of the video formats supported by Windows Media Player. 5.1 Surround sound is supported where formats and decoders allow.

Winamp supports many types of streaming media: Internet radio, Internet telelvision, XM Satellite Radio, AOL video, Singingfish content, podcasts, and RSS media feeds. It also has extendable support for portable media players, and users can access their media libraries anywhere via internet connections.

You can extend Winamp's functionality through the use of plug-ins, which are available on the Winamp site.

What new in Winamp 5.581
- Improved: [pmp_android/usb] Disk-performance of metadata cache
- Fixed: [gen_ml] Minor resource leak fix, plus other optimizations
- Fixed: [gen_ff] Tooltip issue causing dialog windows to vanish underneath Winamp
- Fixed: [ml_disc] CD drives not appearing in ML tree when ML starts not-visible
- Fixed: [ml_wire] Sort by date before auto-downloading podcasts
- Fixed: [pmp_android] Settings not being saved
- Fixed: [pmp_android/usb] Manage with Winamp prompt always reappearing
- Fixed: [pmp_android/usb] Transcoding on USB and Android devices
- Misc: Lang Pack updates (de, ro, tr, fr, ru, se, ja)
- Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
- Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.1.1

Download WinAmp 5.581 Full from website Download Winamp Now

System Requirements
These are the system requirements for Winamp:
- 500MHz Pentium III or comparable
- 256MB RAM
- 20MB Hard Disk Space
- 16bit Sound Card
- Windows 2000 sp4 or later
- DirectX 9.0c (for watching videos and Milkdrop vis)
- Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher (for Online Services)
- 1x speed or greater CD Burner (Required for Burning)
- 2x speed or greater CDROM (Required for Ripping)

- 1.5 GHz Pentium IV or better
- 500MB RAM or more
- 50MB Hard Disk Space
- 24bit Sound Card
- 500MB AGP or PCIE Graphics Card (for watching videos)
- Windows XP sp3, or later
- Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher (for all Online Services features)
- 8x speed or greater CD Burner (Required for Burning)
- 16x speed or greater CDROM (Required for Ripping)


CDBurnerXP available for download

CDBurnerXP is a free application to burn CDs and DVDs, including Blu-Ray and HD-DVDs. It also includes the feature to burn and create ISOs, as well as a multilanguage interface. Everyone, even companies, can use it for free. It does not include adware or similar malicious components.

Nero BurnLite 10.0.10500

Nero BurnLite 10 is a free basic CD/DVD data burning and copying software.

Product Description:

Nero BurnLite 10, from the world's most trusted digital media brand, includes free basic data burning, disc copying, and disc imaged (Imager Recorder) creating software for data CDs and DVDs only. Supported media for burning CD-R CD-RW DVD±R DVD±RW DVD-RAM DVD±R D Supported disc formats Data CD (ISO, UDF, ISO/UDF) Data DVD (ISO, UDF, ISO/UDF) Please note: This version is not a trial version of Nero 10. For a trial version of Nero 10 visit . Nero BurnLite 10 will not burn nor rip audio CDs to mp3, WAV, AIFF, FLAC QuickTime, MP4, HD, WMV, MKV, FLV video files, nor commercially protected DVDs, or Blu-ray discs.

What's new in this version:
Version 10.0.10500 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

Nero BurnLite 10.0.10500 Details
Version: 10.0.10500
Release Date: July 12, 2010
File Size: 31 MB (32.737.424 bytes)
MD5 checksum: 358e7c43798ebd3f73652483bab2ce99

Customized Burning and Copying Options
Burn and copy to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs or save disc images to hard drives, networks, and USB devices or span oversized files to multiple discs and different disc types.

Advanced Disc Data Protection
Add state-of-the-art SecurDisc protection to your burned discs with personal passwords, encryption options and digital signatures. Get alerts before disc data deteriorates, allowing for time to back up.

Long-Lasting Disc Data Readability and Content Quality
Ensure that burned data is readable regardless of scratches, age, or deterioration with cutting-edge SecurDisc technology.

Convenient Features That Do More Than Just Burning
Go beyond just burning and erase rewritable discs with the option to effectively retrieve data, convert audio files into other formats or rip Audio CDs directly with album cover, song titles and artists names.

This version of Nero BurnLite 10 contains simply data burning and disc copying features for CDs and DVDs. Additional features and functionality are available with an upgrade to Nero Burning ROM or Nero Multimedia Suite 10

System Requirements
Minimum system requirements for Nero BurnLite 10
- Windows XP SP3 (32-bit), Windows Vista SP1 (32 and 64-bit), Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate (32 and 64-bit)
- 2 GHz AMD or Intel processor
- 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM for Windows Vista or Windows 7)
- 300 MB hard drive space for a typical installation of all components (including temporary disk space)
- CD or DVD recordable or rewritable drive for burning
- Third party components such as Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 and Microsoft Silverlight are shipped with the product or automatically downloaded if not included in the package
- An Internet connection is required (DSL-1000 and higher recommended). Internet connection charges are the user's responsibility

Supported media for burning
• CD-R

Supported disc formats

Download Nero BurnLite 10.0.10500
Download Nero BurnLite 10.0.10500 from website Download Nero 10 Free version (31 MB)

Apple promoting iPhone 4 in four new FaceTime ads

Apple has released four new video ads to promote the new FaceTime feature in iPhone 4. A series of four new spots present family members using FaceTime to interact in series of warmly sentimental circumstances reminiscent of the oriental tearjerker spot Apple created and debuted at WWDC.

With FaceTime, you can have video phone calls with any other person as long as they are also carrying an iPhone 4 like you.

Apple - iPhone 4 - TV Ad - Big News

Apple - iPhone 4 - TV Ad - Meet Her

Apple - iPhone 4 - TV Ad - Haircut

Apple - iPhone 4 - TV Ad - Smile

Source: AppleInsider

© 2010 Windows Admin Center. All Rights Reserved.

Google Chrome 6.0.458.1 Dev Channel

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab. Desktop shortcuts allow you to launch your favorite Web apps straight from your desktop.

Dev Channel Update
Google has been updated Chrome Dev channel for Windows,Linux and Mac to 6.0.458.1

Download Chrome 6.0.458.1 Dev Channel standalone offline installer at website Download Google Chrome 6.0.458.1 Dev channel

What's new in Google Chrome 6.0.458.1 Dev channel
• InfoBar should not be shown when the user first submits a form. (Issue: 47426)
• AutoFill should continuously update profile data as the user submits forms with new dataAutoFill: Aggregate profile data. Remove the AutoFill InfoBar. Remove more remnants of shipping address and CVV. (Issue: 47423)
• When editing a field in a previously auto-filled form, only display unique suggestionsAutoFill: Remove duplicate suggestions when providing suggestions for a field (Issue: 47436)
• Enabling sync freezes ChromiumRemove NIGORI from the sync routing info. (Issue: 47766)

Chrome unable to start if other FFmpeg DLLs are present on the system (Issue: 35857)

Known Issues
• This crasher still exists in the current release, the fix is completed but not for this dev channel update: Issue 48094

Google Chrome Releases

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Download: CPU-Z 1.55

CPU-Z is a freeware that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system.

• Name and number
• Core stepping and process
• Package
• Core voltage
• Internal and external clocks, clock multiplier
• Supported instructions sets
• Cache information

• Vendor, model and revision.
• BIOS model and date.
• Chipset (northbridge and southbridge) and sensor.
• Graphic interface.

• Frequency and timings.
• Module(s) specification using SPD (Serial Presence Detect) : vendor, serial number, timings table.

• Windows and DirectX version.

System Requirements
• Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista (32-bit/64-bit) and Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit)

Download CPU-Z 1.55
Download CPU-Z 1.55 at website Download CPU-Z or website Download CPU-Z 1.55 setup (Includes 32 & 64-bit binaries)

CPU-Z 1.55

What's new in CPU-Z 1.55
This new version adds the following
- VIA VX900/VX900M and VN1000/VN1000M chipsets.
- Intel Core i5-760, Core i7-875K and Core i5-655K processors.
- Intel Core i7-940XM, 840QM, 740QM mobile processors.
- Intel Core i5-450M, 540UM, 430UM, Core i3-370M mobile processors.
- Intel Pentium P6000 processor.
- New parameter in cpuz.ini : UseDisplayAPI.

Install and Remove
Since version 1.51, CPU-Z includes an installer. The installation offers several advantages in comparison to the stand-alone version :
• The installation creates program entries in the start menu and on the desktop.
• The kernel mode driver used by CPU-Z is installed on the system, that avoids to install / remove it at every run. That makes the process more stable and slightly faster.

Run the setup executable file, and let it guide you for the installation process. The setup installs a service, that is started the first time that you run CPU-Z. After that first run, you can run CPU-Z from any account, even without administrator privileges.

You can remove the program either from the Add or Remove Programs window (from Settings, Control Panel), or choose Uninstall CPU-Z from Start menu, Programs, CPUID, CPU-Z.

Configuration file
CPU-Z uses a configuration file, cpuz.ini, that allows to set several parameters for the program. The cpuz.ini file must be in the same directory as cpuz.exe.


Defraggler 1.20.201

Defraggler is the freeware that lets you specify one or more files, folders, or the whole drive to defragment.

When Defraggler reads or writes a file, it uses the exact same techniques that Windows uses. Using Defraggler is just as safe for your files as using Windows.

At a glance, you can see how fragmented your hard drive is. Defraggler's drive map shows you blocks that are empty, not fragmented, or needing defragmentation.

Use Defraggler to defrag your entire hard drive, or individual files - unique in the industry. This compact and portable Windows application supports NTFS and FAT32 file systems.

System Requirements
Defraggler support Windows 2000, XP (32-bit and 64-bit), Server 2003, Vista (32-bit and 64-bit) and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Download Disk Defraggler
Download Disk Defraggler from website Download Defraggler 1.20.201

• Defragment exactly what you want
Most defrag tools only allow you to defrag an entire drive. Defraggler lets you specify one or more files, folders, or the whole drive to defragment.
• Safe and Secure
When Defraggler reads or writes a file, it uses the exact same techniques that Windows uses. Using Defraggler is just as safe for your files as using Windows.
• Small and lightweight
Defraggler's tough on your files – and light on your system.
• Interactive drive map
At a glance, you can see how fragmented your hard drive is. Defraggler's drive map shows you blocks that are empty, not fragmented, or needing defragmentation.
• Quick Defrag
Give your hard drive a quick touch-up with Quick Defrag.
• Defragment free space
Organizes empty disk space to further prevent fragmentation.
• Scheduled defragmentation
Defragment while you sleep - and wake up with a faster PC. Set Defraggler to run daily, weekly or monthly.
• Full Windows OS and Multi-lingual support
No matter what your native tongue is, Defraggler speaks your language. It currently supports 37 languages.

What's new in Defraggler 1.20.201
- Improved drive map updating.
- Improved 64-bit memory addressing.
- Improved Quick Defrag file algorithms.
- Improved handling of Windows styles.
- Fixed bug with MFT buffer zone.
- Added prompt on exit when long tasks are running.
- Many improvements to UI when using non-English.
- Added Georgian translation.
- Minor stability fixes.

Defrag hard disk with Power Defragmenter

White iPhone 4 Pictures

Apple revealed last month that the white version of its iPhone 4 have proven more challenging to manufacture than expected, and as a result they will not be available until the second half of July.

Although, some website in Japan appear to have gotten one such unit, and thoughtfully took pictures of the unboxing process.

White iPhone 4

White iPhone 4 with green bumper

White iPhone 4 with pink bumper

White iPhone 4 Installed the optional Dock

White iPhone 4 Boxset

More information about iPhone 4 technical specifications go to website Apple iPhone 4 Technical Specifications

Image credits:

Compare iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS

© 2010 Windows Admin Center. All Rights Reserved.

FileZilla Server 0.9.35

FileZilla Server is a small and fast FTP Server. The server looks like the famous G6, but it is free. FileZilla Server support Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Download FileZilla Server
Download FileZilla Server 0.9.35 at website FileZilla Homepage or website FileZilla Server 0.9.35

What's new in FileZilla Server 0.9.35
New features:
• Administration interface is now Unicode enabled.

Bugfixes and minor changes:
• Fix saving of speed-limit rules

TeamViewer 5.0.8703

TeamViewer is a simple, fast and excellent solution for remote control, screen-sharing and file-transfer app that that works behind any firewall and NAT proxy. To connect to another computer just run TeamViewer on both machines without the need of an installation procedure. With the first start automatic partner IDs are generated on both computers. Enter your partner's ID into TeamViewer and the connection is established immediately. With over 60 million users TeamViewer is a standard tool to give support and assistance to people in remote locations. The software can also be used for presentations, where you can show your own desktop to a partner.

Download TeamViewer
Download TeamViewer at website Download TeamViewer 5.0.8703

What's new in TeamViewer 5.0.8703
• Recovering Windows from standby or hibernate activates TeamViewer correctly
• TeamViewer shows up after update corretly
• Some minor improvements and fixes

• Audio / Video Conferences:
The most comprehensive innovation in TeamViewer 5 is the new VoIP (Voice over IP) audio and video capability. It enables you to talk to your customers for free and to give your sessions a more personal touch using a webcam.
The packet prioritization that was specifically developed for TeamViewer ensures an optimal audio and video quality even if you are transferring files or if you are actively working on a remote desktop at the same time.
• Application selection:
Present only selected applications instead of your whole desktop.
• Teleconferencing:
Your partner does not have a headset for VoIP? No Problem - TeamViewer 5 has an integrated teleconferencing solution with access numbers in numerous countries (additional charges per minute apply for calling the access numbers).
• Usability:
The new TeamViewer control panel and an optimized menu simplify and improve the handling of our software.
• Improved performance:
TeamViewer 5 is even faster than TeamViewer 4, especially in routed connections behind firewalls.
• Improved whiteboard:
Improved whiteboard for fast notes.
• Adaptability:
TeamViewer's options have been further improved and enhanced so you can adapt it even better to your needs.

• Using TeamViewer at website How to use TeamViewer
TeamViewer 5.0.8539 Release notes

Google Chrome 6.0.453.1 Dev channel

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab. Desktop shortcuts allow you to launch your favorite Web apps straight from your desktop.

Dev Channel Update
Google has been updated Chrome Dev channel for Windows,Linux and Mac to 6.0.453.1

Download Chrome 6.0.453.1 Dev Channel standalone offline installer at website Download Google Chrome 6.0.453.1 Dev channel

What's new in Google Chrome 6.0.453.1 Dev channel
• Consolidated menu is on by default
• [r50830] Show preview images when dragging images.
• Printing from the built-in PDF plugin now prints vectors instead of pixels.
• [r50617] Fix avutil-50.dll entry point not found error by limiting the DLL search path when loading FFmpeg binaries (Issue 35857)

• Continued feature parity work

• New experimental support for gnome-keyring and kwallet for storing your passwords. Currently off by default; you can opt in via a command line flag and we’d love feedback as to whether it eats your data. Please see this thread for information on how to test it (importantly, back up your passwords first).
• Fixed overlapping characters sometimes seen with complex (Thai, Indic) text.
• The PDF plugin is now available (turn it on in about:plugins).

Google Chrome Releases

© 2010 Windows Admin Center. All Rights Reserved.

Google Chrome 5.0.375.99 Stable Update

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab. Desktop shortcuts allow you to launch your favorite Web apps straight from your desktop.

Google has been released Google Chrome 5.0.375.99 to the Stable channel on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

What's new in Google Chrome 5.0.375.99
This release fixes 9 security issues
• [42396] Low OOB read with WebGL. Credit to Sergey Glazunov; Google Chrome Security Team (SkyLined). (Low)
• [42575] • [42980] Medium Isolate sandboxed iframes more strongly. Credit to sirdarckcat of Google Security Team. (Medium)
• [$500][43488] High Memory corruption with invalid SVGs. Credit to Aki Hekin of OUSPG; wushi of team509. (High)
• [$500][44424] High Memory corruption in bidi algorithm. Credit to wushi of team509. (High)
• [45164] Low Crash with invalid image. Credit to javg0x83. (Low)
• [$1,000] [45983] High Memory corruption with invalid PNG (libpng bug). Credit to Aki Helin of OUSPG. (High)
• [$500][46360] High Memory corruption in CSS style rendering. Credit to wushi of team509. (High)
• [46575] Low Annoyance with print dialogs. Credit to Mats Ahlgren. (Low)
• [47056] Low Crash with modal dialogs. Credit to Aki Helin of OUSPG. (Low)

Download Chrome 6.0.401.1 Stable Update standalone offline installer at website Download Google Chrome 6.0.447.0 Stable Update

Google Chrome Releases

© 2010 Windows Admin Center. All Rights Reserved.

Opera 10.60 for Windows - Introduces Geolocation, Support for WebM

Opera is a free and innovative web browser which allows you to experience the web on your terms. Discover what over 40 million people have already experienced by downloading Opera's fast and safe Internet browsers. This latest Opera Web browser version comes with a new streamlined, elegant interface and many innovative cool features, including Opera Turbo, a new compression technology that solves the pain of slow connections, and better tabs as Opera continues pioneering new ways to use tabs. Opera 10 includes other refinements to help you maximize productivity and get more from your Web-browsing experience. The enhanced Speed Dial, automatic updates, new spell checker, enhanced Opera Mail to send rich text messages, and fine-tuning our overall speed, making Opera faster and smoother on resource-intensive pages such as Gmail.

• Speed Dial: Your favorite sites are just one click away at all times.
• Search Shortcuts: Faster search - type your queries directly into the address bar.
• Trash Can: Instantly reopen recently closed tabs.
• Speed Dial: Get your favorite Web page with just one click.
• Mouse Gestures: With Opera you can navigate the Web with your mouse.
• Opera Link: Synchronize data of your choice online, or among different computers and devices.
• Quick Find: Opera remembers not only the titles and addresses, but also the actual content of the Web pages you visit.
• Feed Preview: Preview a Feed by clicking on the feed icon, and you will see it in clean and efficient multiple-column layout.
• Quick and customizable Web search: Get quick access to Google, eBay, Amazon and more with the search field in the upper right corner.

New in Opera 10.60
• Our further-optimized JavaScript engine is over 50% faster than in Opera 10.50.
• Enhanced support for advanced Web standards such as HTML5 and WebM video is now included.
• Opera can prompt you to share your location, making geolocation-supporting websites more useful.
• Search suggestions for selected providers help you find results more easily.

Download Opera 10.60 for Windows
Download Opera 10.60 for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Serve 2003, Windows Vista (32-bit/64-bit) and Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit) at website Opera 10.60 for Windows (12.72MB)


© 2010 Windows Admin Center. All Rights Reserved.

iOS 4 - The world's most advanced mobile operating system.

With its easy-to-use interface, amazing features, and rock-solid stability, iOS - Apple’s mobile operating system - is the foundation of iPhone. And even as other phones try to catch up, the technologies and features built into iOS 4 keep it years ahead of the competition.

Elegant and intuitive interface.
The first time you pick up an iPhone, you know how to use it. That’s because the revolutionary Multi-Touch interface in iOS was designed for the most natural pointing device ever: your finger. So whether you’re using one of the built-in apps or one of the over 200,000 apps and games available from the App Store, you control everything with a tap, drag, swipe, pinch, flick, or twist of your fingers. Even tasks that might seem complicated - such as starting a FaceTime call or editing a video with iMovie - are simple, easy, and fun.

Hundreds of amazing features.
The features included with iOS 4 make iPhone powerful, innovative, and a pleasure to use. Here are just a few. Visit the Features page for more

iOS 4 introduces a whole new way of multitasking. Now you can run your favorite third-party apps - and switch between them instantly - without slowing down the performance of the foreground app or draining the battery unnecessarily.* This smarter approach to multitasking is available only in iOS 4. Learn more about multitasking

Folders are the best way to keep your apps organized and easily accessible. To create a folder, you simply touch and hold an app until it wiggles, then drag it on top of another. iOS 4 automatically assigns a name to your folder based on the category of the apps inside it, or you can choose your own name. To access your apps, just tap the folder to bring up its contents, then tap the app to open it. Simple. Learn more about folders

iOS 4 and iPhone 4 together make video calling a reality. With just a tap, you can see your friends and family while you talk to them - iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 over Wi-Fi. It works right out of the box, with no setup or special accounts needed. FaceTime is just another way iOS 4 seamlessly integrates hardware and software to make every iPhone feature as easy to use as it is groundbreaking. Learn more about FaceTime

The world’s largest app platform.
With over 200,000 apps in practically every category, iOS 4 is the platform for the world’s largest collection of mobile apps. Apple gives third-party developers a rich set of tools and APIs, and they’ve been creating apps and games that redefine what a mobile device can do. Where to find these apps? Just browse the App Store from your iPhone and download them with a tap.

Performance and stability that lead the industry.
iOS 4 is a desktop-class OS that’s been reinvented for mobile devices. Because it’s based on the world’s most advanced computer operating system - Mac OS X - performance in iOS 4 is fast and stability is rock-solid. iOS 4 manages power efficiently and delivers the best possible battery life. And multitasking - using multiple apps at the same time - in iOS 4 doesn’t slow down the performance of the foreground app or drain the battery unnecessarily.*

Hardware and software made for each other.
Because Apple makes both the iPhone hardware and the operating system, everything works together seamlessly and intelligently. This integration enables apps to take full advantage of iPhone hardware features such as the Retina display, the Multi-Touch interface, the accelerometer, the three-axis gyro, GPS, accelerated graphics, and more. FaceTime is a perfect example. It uses both iPhone 4 cameras, the display, one of the two microphones, and your Wi-Fi connection. If you’re on a voice call with someone and want to start a video call, FaceTime switches mics, turns on the front camera, and verifies your Wi-Fi connection - quickly and invisibly.

Safe and secure by design.
iOS 4 is highly secure from the moment you turn on your iPhone. All apps run in a safe environment, so a website or app can’t access data from other apps. iOS 4 supports encrypted network communication to protect your sensitive information. Optional parental controls let you manage iTunes purchases, Internet browsing, and access to explicit material. To guard your privacy, apps requesting location information must get your permission first. You can set a passcode lock to prevent unauthorized access to your phone and configure iPhone to delete all your data after too many unsuccessful passcode attempts. And in the event your iPhone is lost or stolen, a MobileMe membership allows you to find your iPhone on a map and remotely delete all data. If you get it back, you can restore everything from your last backup.

Ready for business.
Businesses around the world are choosing iPhone for its enterprise-ready features and powerful security. iOS 4 works with Microsoft Exchange and standards-based servers to deliver over-the-air push email, calendar, and contacts. iOS 4 protects your data by encrypting information in three separate areas: in transmission, at rest on the device, and when backed up to iTunes. You can securely access private corporate networks through industry-standard VPN protocols. And companies can easily deploy iPhone across an enterprise using configuration profiles.

Accessible by everyone.
iOS 4 comes standard with a wide range of accessibility features that help people with disabilities experience everything iPhone has to offer. For example, the built-in VoiceOver screen-reading technology allows those who are blind or have low vision to hear a description of the item they’re touching on the screen. iOS 4 also offers out-of-the-box support for over 30 wireless braille displays and many other accessibility features, such as dynamic screen magnification, playback of closed-captioned video, white on black text, and more.

Works the world over.
iPhone and iOS 4 are made to be used around the world. The user interface is localized into 34 languages, and you can easily switch between them. Because the keyboard is software-based, you can select from over 40 different layouts with support for language-specific features including diacritic marks on characters, handwritten input for Chinese, and contextual character options for Japanese. In addition, the built-in dictionaries support 37 language and dialects, VoiceOver reads screens in 21 languages, and Voice Control understands 24 languages.

Free iOS Updates
Your iPhone gets better with every iOS update, which is free for all iPhone owners. Right now, iOS 4 is available for iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS. Just connect your iPhone to your Mac or PC, open iTunes, and follow the instructions to download the update.

Related links:
Apple iPhone 4 Technical Specifications.
Compare iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS.

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