Download Screenshot Captor 2.72.01

Screenshot Captor is a program for grabbing lots of screenshots on your computer with minimal intervention. It has multi monitor support and includes a full image explorer with full shell functionality and unsurpassed integration with external tools like graphic editors, watermarkers, etc. It also supports unique effects not seen in other capture tools including the ability to automatically locate and enhance the active window.

Download Secunia PSI

The Secunia PSI is a FREE security tool designed to detectvulnerable andout-dated programs and plug-ins which expose your PC to attacks. Attacks exploiting vulnerable programs and plug-ins are rarely blocked by traditional anti-virus and are therefore increasingly "popular" among criminals.

The only solution to block these kind of attacks is to apply security updates, commonly referred to as patches. Patches are offered free-of-charge by most software vendors, however, finding all these patches is a tedious and time consuming task. Secunia PSI automates this and alerts you when your programs and plug-ins require updating to stay secure.

What's new in Secunia PSI (24 August 2009)
This is a language release. If you are running Secunia PSI without problems then there's no need to upgrade. Please note. Certain languages are not available for the installation process, but only in the Secunia PSI itself.
  • 26 New Languages Supported: This release includes 26 new languages for the Secunia PSI.

Download Secunia PSI
You can download Secunia PSI from website Download Secunia PSI

System Requirements:
  • Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 or later
  • Microsoft Windows XP SP3

Note: To install and run the Secunia PSI you require administrative privileges.

Source: Secunia PSI
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